Regrowing dental tissue with stem cells is closer than we think

Tooth loss is an issue that most people will face at some point in their lifetime, and according to Underground Health Reporter, by age 74 -...

Burnout is officially becoming an occupational syndrome according to the World...

Workplace 'burn-out' has become a topic for scientific debate over the past years due to the fact that fatigue is truly a real workplace issue. In...

Medieval diseases outbreak is making a comeback among the homeless in...

Typhus, tuberculosis, and other illnesses are spreading quickly through camps and shelters. Jennifer Millar stays in a homeless encampment off a Hollywood freeway ramp. She is constantly cleaning the...

Cases triple as infection spreads to Beijing and Shanghai, as concerns...

The number of people infected with a new virus in China tripled over the weekend, with the outbreak spreading from Wuhan to other major cities.

Studies show that U.S. Alcohol-Related deaths have nearly doubled

More Americans are ordering more rounds and that's leading to more funerals, according to a new study on alcohol-related deaths. Looking at data...

Scientists believe that aging might be optional

In his new book, 'Lifespan,' celebrated scientist David Sinclair gives thorough explanations about why exactly we age and why he thinks we don't necessarily have to.

Amazon’s Alexa is launching several skills that will help you control...

Artificial-intelligence assistant meets privacy rules and the device an even more important role in the daily lives of patients. Amazon recently highlighted the launch of six new Alexa skills...

The more sleep deprived you are, the more pain you feel

A new study from the University of California, Berkeley, published in The Journal of Neuroscience explains why. Sleep deprivation affects our brains, including pain centers It confirms that sleep deprivation...

Man with rare syndrome kept getting drunk without using alcohol. Turned...

A man with auto-brewery syndrome would become drunk after eating carbs. For six long years, a man would experience mysterious bouts of drunkenness...

Research tells us the right way to eat carbs in order...

New research links low-carb diets like Keto and Atkins with AFib and lower life expectancy. Here’s why many heart doctors also don’t recommend going low-carb. Cutting too many carbs...

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