How The Philips’ V60 Plus Revolutionized Respiratory Disease Treatment

Philips V60 Plus

Respiratory Diseases is one the leading health burden worldwide. Asthma alone affects over 200 million people followed by moderate to severe COPD with 65 million. Indeed, it is one of the forefronts of emergency cases in the world.

When it comes to catering respiratory disease emergencies, timing and exact procedures are required. The need for shifting from one device needed to another can make a difference in saving one’s life.

During intensive or emergency care settings, assessing patients depending on their respective conditions require a high amount of analytical approach. Hence, this means complex workflows or alternating devices in a very time-constricted situation. One wrong move and it can end a patient’s life.

With these reasons in mind, Royal Philips, a leading innovator for health technology introduced a new device that assists clinicians in such time and procedure sensitive situations.

The company released the V60 Plus which is a high performing ventilator that is noninvasive and integrates both noninvasive ventilation (NIV) and High Flow Therapy (HFT) into one device. The significance of this device is that it enables clinicians to adjust therapy requirement based on the changing patient conditions in a short amount of time without the need of shifting devices.

The Philips V60 Plus has passed FDA assessment and able to received a CE mark. We asked clinicians who have used and experienced the V60 Plus and was delighted by the results.

The leader of the NIV Program at St. Goran Hospital in Stockholm, Peter Lindberg, R.N., discussed the difference V60 Plus has made in the early intervention of respiratory patients. Lindberg stated that the device saved their team a lot of time in catering patients since both NIV and HFT are integrated into one device especially when weaning patients from one treatment to the other.

With deaths caused by respiratory diseases rosed to an all-time high from 1980 to 2014, innovations such as the V60 Plus can make a huge difference. With that being said, implementing this innovation can help clinicians in a magnitude of ways in caring patients both in the intensive and emergency care units.